Tuesday 10 May 2011

Research Topic 3- Evolutionary Symbols

1. Arrow:
In the early days arrows represented war, power, sunrays, swiftness and male power but today it mainly points in the preferred direction.

2. Iron cross:
During world war 2, Iron crosses had appeared on German fighter planes and tanks which later became known as a fascist symbol.

3. Heartagram:
Heartagrams were originally designed and used as a logo by a band named “Love Metal”. Later on, its meaning was misinterpreted and people started using it as if it symbolized love and hate or life and death.

4. Infinity (also eternity):
Today’s mathematical symbol of Infinity had once before represented perfection, dualism, unity of male and female in ancient India and Tibet. Some occults used it as symbolizing magic and a balance of various forces.

5. Pentagram: 
Pentagrams are believed to have come from 2 different sources, either from the caves of Babylonia or form 6’000 years ago. Ever since the creation of this symbol, certain groups of people believed that the figure itself had magical powers to fend off witches and demons. When combined with a circle around, it is often known to represent eternity, infinity or the cycles of life. Lastly it is the most common used symbol by wiccans to symbolize the five elements.

1 comment:

  1. The heartagram is a symbol by the band "HIM" aka His Infernal Majesty not Love Metal.
